What do the Buyer and Seller need to know?

The buyer and seller need to know that the report covers only what the inspector can see on a visible inspection. The inspector will look for signs of a past or present termite infestation. However, wood destroying insects can be hidden in areas impossible to discover.

Some homeowners are cautious of telling prospective buyers that they have had a termite treatment in the past for fear of scaring off the buyer. The image of termites eating away at your home day-after-day can be chilling; resulting in images of your home collapsing into a heap of dust. Luckily this is not usually not the case.

A good approach is for the homeowner to openly share information on insect activity and damage to the house as well as what steps have been taken to stop them in their tracks. That way surprises during the WDIR inspection and closing may be avoided.

Buyers, we suggest that you order the WDIR inspection before the home inspection in order to save yourself some money and allow adequate time for any treatments required. You should plan to accompany the WDIR inspector so that you will know what area's are inaccessible and why and can make an informed decision about the home.
