Monthly, Quarterly and Spot Treatments to suite your budget and needs. Every home is different. We develop a treatment plan to suite your individual needs.
United Pest Management would like to ensure your home is pest free from the spread of disease they carry and to control termites in and around your home that may cause damage to your most valueable possesion "your home". We are committed to providing prompt professional affordable service.
Full exterior applications extending as much as 4 feet up foundation walls and 4 feet out for all monthly and quarterly customers
Quickly knock down pests and provides long-lasting residual control
Communication with you about all treatments
non-invasive integrated pest management approach
Free inspection of crawl space, garage and foundation walls
Combination Bait and Liquid Systems
Full Liquid Application
Full Bait System
Spot treatments available
Fire Ant Treatments
Lawn and Ornamental Sprays
Moisture Control measures
Automatic Vent Installation and Replacement
Fly Light Systems for Restaurants and Businesses
Odor Control Units featuring popular scents such as jasmine, gardenia, cinnamon, pina colada
Mosquito options offering you one more line of defense without adversely affecting people or pets.
Are you losing the battle with fire ants? They can inflict multiple painful stinging bites. Did you know that 20 million people or more are bit by fire ants a year? Americans spend more then $1 Billion a Year on Fire Ant Treatments. Survey your lawn area. If there are one or two mounds you could opt to treat it yourself. If you are seeing more then a couple mounds we recommend a professional treatment especially if pets or children are outside. Be careful approaching what might be a fire ant mound. Fire Ants are extremely agressive and territorial. Read More about Fire Ants
It varies. A Colony can be a couple of feet, two (2) houses, a block or throughout an entire neighborhood. There can be several colonies associated with just one home. While one tunnel is visible more may lie underground.